Top 10 Takeaways from 2016 SVN National Conference
After spending a week in San Diego at the SVN National Conference and taking a week to process all of the valuable information our office was able to receive, I have categorized my top 10 takeaways that I feel apply to our market the most.
- SVN is able to achieve more value for our clients when we cooperate with outside brokers
- Always be prepared to communicate the brand consistently and clearly in one sentence
- At SVN we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk by living our core covenants every day
- Transparency and cooperation are not just business tactics, they are a way of life and proven to achieve higher value for our clients
- We are ranked the #6 most recognized commercial real estate brand in the world
- We closed $10.1 Billion in transactions in 2015
- Your business should be a machine and the CRM is the engine….without it you can’t go anywhere
- You have the have the “right people on the bus” in order to reach your destination
- Have 5 meaningful conversations a day!
- SVN now stands for “Shared Value Network”